Tag Archives: Day Nursery Northwest

Day Nursery Friday Faces: Making a fruit pizza

The students in Ms. Laura and Ms. Katrina’s preschool class at Day Nursery Northwest on W. 73rd Street in Pike Township, have been trying new fruits this week to see what they like. To wrap up the week, the class made a fruit pizza as a special treat. The bright colors in the fruit bowl reminded them of a rainbow. Eating a full rainbow of foods regularly helps give your body the nutrients it needs. In addition to fiber, vitamins and minerals, naturally colored foods contain powerful nutrients called phytochemicals. While the three-year-olds aren’t likely to remember that term, they will remember their favorite fruits and the beautiful colorful snack they helped make today.Day Nursery preschoolers prepare base of fruit pizzaDay Nursery preschoolers mix the ingredients for their fruit pizzaDay Nursery preschoolers adding blueberries to the fruit bowlDay Nursery students spread the mixed fruit across the cream cheese base of their fruit pizza

Day Nursery Northwest Indianapolis shares culture with preschool in Australia

Day Nursery Northwest culture swapMiss Shanna’s class at Day Nursery Northwest is in a “culture swap” with Holy Trinity Early Learning Center in Australia. Shanna shared this picture today of her showing her class the contents of the package from their friends in Australia which included an Australian flag, some stuffed koalas, stickers and a poster of Australian wildlife. They also received letters and pictures from the children at the center. In exchange, Shanna’s class sent them some handmade fun dough made by the class, a Colts jersey, crayons, some Day Nursery pencils, checkered flags, and some pictures they colored.

Too Cute Tuesday: Day Nursery Northwest toddlers reach out to help others

The children in Ms. Renee’s Toddler 4 class at the Day Nursery Northwest Center in Pike Township are collecting toys to donate to the Julian Center.  Here’s a look at what they have collected so far.  Happy “Too Cute Tuesday!”

Day Nursery Indianapolis toddlers with toys they collected to donate to Julian Center

Day Nursery preschooler expands vocabulary through cooking

It is not every day that you see a Day Nursery student “mincing” playdoh hot dogs. This Northwest Center student loves to pretend to cook. She rolls out the playdoh in a hot dog shape and then carefully minces it with a plastic knife. Her teacher, Shanna Nowosielski says she chose the word mince herself to describe what she’s doing.

Day Nursery Northwest Indianapolis student pretending to cook with food made out of playdough

Too Cute Tuesday: Building a great education at Day Nursery Northwest

Children learn so many things from block play. They learn to work cooperatively and  problem solve. They experience math concepts like patterning, height, weight, balance, symmetry, and  cause effect in a developmentally appropriate manner. Block play enhances the physical areas of coordination, visual perception, motor development, spatial orientation, and fine motor coordination.  Thanks to Day Nursery Northwest Center teacher Shanna Nowosielski for sharing these pictures of her students.

Day Nursery Indianapolis children building with blocksDay Nursery Indianapolis children building with blocksDay Nursery Indianapolis children building with blocks

Day Nursery Thursday December 27

sowflakeAll Day Nursery Centers will open on their regular schedule on Thursday,  December 27, 2012.

Day Nursery Indianapolis produces pint-sized Opening Ceremony

When our teachers build their weekly curriculum, they make sure it has a balance of topics their students are currently interested in mixed with lessons built around what is happening in their world.  For the past week, the teachers at the Day Nursery Northwest Center in Pike Township have been letting their students explore the Olympics through music, art, literature and videos of past competitions.  This morning all the children gathered out in the hallway to watch a hand-made, pint-size  Olympic torch pass by their classroom and to show the colors of their “country.” Later next week, there will be friendly competition between the classrooms.  Here are some pictures from today’s pageantry. 

Day Nursery Northwest students model Olympic training

Toddlers exercising on playgroundTonight, millions of people around the world will be glued to the television to see the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in London.  A bit closer to home, and a few hours earlier, the Day Nursery Northwest Center staff will be gathering the students together for their own opening ceremonies scheduled for 10am.  Mrs. Renee Dixon, lead teacher in the Toddler 4 class has been heading the charge for the center to have its own international athletic competition. She arranged for each classroom to represent a country. Her class, Toddler 4 will be presenting Morocco. This is a sneak peek of their most recent training session.

Day Nursery Indianapolis celebrates Week of the Young Child

All 7 of our Day Nursery locations are taking part in the national celebration of the Week of the Young Child.  We will wrap up the week with 143 of our teachers attending the Indiana Association for the Education of Young Childrenconference at the Indiana Convention Center on Saturday.

In most centers teachers set out special activities in the hallway outside their rooms for parents to do with their children at pick up time. It’s our version of “stopping to smell the roses”—spending a few quality moments in a learning activity with your child–nothing better than that.

Parent and child activity at the Federal Center