Monthly Archives: January 2010

Immediate opening for infant care downtown Indianapolis

Sarah Parks, director of the Day Nursery in the Minton Capehart Federal Building has an immediate opening for an infant at her center.  The infant room holds eight babies so openings are few and far between.  If you would to tour this center and find out more about Day Nursery and our curriculum, please call Sarah at 317-226-5487.

Day Nursery wagers hit local media

Just got a tweet (you can follow us on Twitter @daynurseryindy) that Day Nursery is mentioned in today’s column about fun Super Bowl related news. I am still on the hunt for a worthy opponent in New Orleans for another wager.  I would love to go 3 for 3 with this bet.

Day Nursery State Center students participate in Indiana Arts Day

Preschool students from the Day Nursery at the Indiana State Government center made a visit to the Statehouse today at the invitation of Tina Mahern, President of the Indiana Coalition for the Arts Foundation

The children had front row seats for a performance by the Griot (GREE-ah) storytellers of Africa who pass on the history of their people through storytelling and the Griot Drum Ensemble led by Young Audiences storyteller and musician Khabir Shareef, who plays a dynamic mix of West African and African Diaspora percussion music.

The group of 15 preschoolers, ages 3-5 were accompanied by their teachers Tim Tegarden and Theresa Jameson as well as center director Deanna Saylor.  When Deanna shared this picture with me today, she reported that the children were enthralled with the story-teller.   “He told a story about the snake in the grass and the kids sat so quietly.  I don’t think I have seen them sit so still.”   Preschool students are very honest and we have to say that they didn’t love every part of the program. Sophia told her teacher the “drums are too loud.”

Arts Day at the Indiana Statehouse is an annual arts advocacy event presented by the Indiana Coalition for the Arts where the diversity of arts in the state is promoted and honored.

Day Nursery Association has been active in the arts and assisted Young Audiences in launching their “Young at Arts” preschool program several years ago.

Federal Center preschoolers reach out to children in Haiti

Sarah Parks, Center Director at the Day Nursery Federal Center downtown is so proud of her preschoolers.  She sent me a note this morning promoting a bake sale coming up on Friday. She also sent me a note from preschool teachers Shirley Williams and Tamika Harvey with the story behind the idea for the bake sale. I am happy to pass it on to you in their words.

 During circle time one of our Pre-K children shared with the class that she saw an earthquake on TV. Another boy piped up to say all the children’s toys, schools, and houses were gone. The children were very concerned about the children not having schools or toys. We asked the children how they thought they could help those children. One boy suggested they give the children of Haiti the money in their Giving Jar. All of the children agreed and are excited to share their money with the children of Haiti. The children are planning a Bake Sale this Friday January 29th to add money to their giving jar. The proceeds will be given to the Financial Center Federal Credit Union since they are matching donations from their members.

If you happen to visit the IRS Tax Assistance Office, the Social Security Administration or the Veterans Administration service center Friday afternoon, stop by the bake sale in the lobby. The sale starts (after nap time!) at 3:30.

Little fans, big spirit

Thought a post with a picture of a cute Day Nursery student would be what the Colts need in the 4th quarter to seal this deal.  Sarah and Selena say “Go Colts!”

Colts fans at Day Nursery Clarian show their spirit

Here’s stop #4 on the Day Nursery band wagon.  Time to focus on the students and teachers at the Day Nursery Clarian Center near Methodist Hospital.  This center has a few super fans on their staff, as you can see by their pictures below.  Teacher Karen Garrett even brought in a few of her decorations from home, including the Colts clock from her bedroom.

Real Colts fans aren’t afraid of blue milk

Nap time is over at our Day Nursery in Avon and teacher Matt Miller and his assistant Miriam Eversole are serving blue milk and cookie pizza as a very special snack on this Blue Friday. Just like the Colts, Matt and the rest of the staff really know how to hustle to get the job done.  Go Colts!!

Day Nursery Hendricks Co students are blue…but that is a good thing!

Next stop on the Colts bandwagon is the Day Nursery Early Care and Education Center in Hendricks County. Avon, Indiana specifically. On the north side of the Clarian West Medical Center complex.  The staff and students are so excited about this blue Friday, they are even having blue milk with their snack when they wake up from nap in a bit.  Here are a few pictures from their celebration today. Thanks to Center Director Joy McCall and her staff for the photos.

Don’t have a Colts shirt? No problem!

Amy Cavin, who is the Office Manager of the Day Nursery in the Indiana State Government Center is a big Colts fan and she knows how to have fun with it.  When I put out a request to our centers to send me pictures of Colts fun, Amy couldn’t resist playing a little trick on the parents of one-year-old Cameron, pictured with her below.  You see, Cameron’s parents are HUGE Bears fans and they love to remind Amy of that fact every chance they get.  Today, little Cameron walked into the center in his Bears jersey, which Amy and Ms Cora turned inside out and redecorated with their favorite team.  I hear Cameron’s Mom is already planning her next move.  Go Colts!  If you know someone looking for excellent early care and education in the downtown area, the staff of the Day Nursery State Government Center would love to give them a tour.  They currently have openings for one year olds, four-year-olds and five-year-olds.  The center is open to the public (and fans of all NFL teams, no matter what this blog post might imply!)

Toddler Size Colts Fan Rock the House at the Federal Center

My email in box is buzzing today with pictures of Colts fans and fun in the Day Nursery Centers.  I am posting them as fast as I can.  Here are a few pictures from Miss Belinda and Miss Jennifer’s toddler room at the Federal Center.  If you know anyone in the downtown area looking for an educational program for their child, the Day Nursery Federal Center currently has openings for three and four-year olds.