Monthly Archives: November 2011

Wordless Wednesday from Day Nursery Northwest

Foam painting in Ms. Shanna's preschool classroom

Day Nursery Federal Center students celebrate change in the weather

It’s beginning to look like winter inside the Day Nursery Federal Center, 575 N. Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis,  just in time for the snow predicted outside this afternoon!  Our young twos have been busy making wreaths, and our older twos have been hard at work on gingerbread men—studying the interesting properties of glue & how it sticks to both their yarn & their fingers.  Our Pre-K classroom is studying nursery rhymes this week & have been talking about sheep today—Mary Had a Little Lamb.  Tomorrow the Pre-K classroom is planning on dropping eggs—both raw & hard-boiled and talking about the different properties they have.

Day Nursery Federal Center Director Sarah Parks reports she has a few rare openings for infants, toddlers and twos in her center.  If you know someone who is looking for an educational child care program downtown,  please have them contact Sarah at 317-226-5487  or drop her a line.

Thankful Thursday-Happy Thanksgiving from Day Nursery

Day Nursery 2011 Official Hand print Turkey unveiled

And the winner is…..

We are happy to announce that a hand print turkey made by Nevaeh, age 4, of the Day Nursery Ruth A. Lilly Center has been chosen to represent us this year on our Thanksgiving cards sent to our top donors.  Congratulations!

Nevaeh with her teacher Marti Gough at the Day Nursery Ruth A. Lilly Center

Day Nursery Too Cute Tuesday: Handprint Turkeys

Each year the Day Nursery office staff delights in selecting an official turkey to represent our agency in our holiday cards of Thanksgiving.  The assignment rotates to a different center each year and this year we are featuring artwork from our Ruth A. Lilly center, 3522 N. Central.  Tomorrow we will unveil the winning turkey.  While you are waiting, please enjoy this incredible display of paint, feathers, glue and glitter from the preschoolers.

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Day Nursery and Junior League of Indianapolis Emerging Readers Discovery Club

Junior League of Indianapolis volunteers

Junior League of Indianapolis volunteers prepare literacy kits for the Emerging Readers Discovery Club.

This afternoon  from 4:00-5:30 p.m., Day Nursery will host volunteers from Junior League of Indianapolis at  our Ft. Harrison and Northwest locations. The volunteers invite the preschool children and their parents to participate in a variety of fun activities. They will have the opportunity to decorate cookies and have their photo taken in a chef’s cap and apron. We will also have story time, where volunteers will be reading books from Day Nursery’s Lending Libraries.

This event marks the launch of the Emerging Readers Discovery Club, an incentive program to encourage young readers. Junior League has donated reading materials for the classrooms at Day Nursery, including kits that children can take home and share with their families. One kit includes recipes and supplies for families to cook together, and is the inspiration for this event.

Please join us this afternoon at 4 p.m. And be sure to check out Day Nursery’s Lending Libraries afterward and choose a fun book or activity to share with your child.