Day Nursery Thankful Thursday: Pink Pianos and Precious Preschoolers

101_0902In today’s Thankful Thursday post, we are celebrating the donation of  a piano from Go: Give Back a youth philanthropy program from The Women’s Fund of Central Indiana.  GO Ahead & Play is a public art project led by 6th-12th grade GO: Give Back students. GO students are using their talent, time and leadership to bring art and music to central Indiana.The students asked residents, businesses and schools to donate the pianos, and then worked with artists to decorate them. The 20 pianos were placed around the greater Indianapolis area for the public to play and after 18 days in the community, the Women’s Fund of Central Indiana donated those pianos to their grantees.101_0900

The  students of the Day Nursery IU Health Early Learning Center were tickled pink to receive the “Tickled Pink” piano which was created by Annette Marino, : Stockannette and the Yarnburners.  They knitted and crocheted an amazing pink sweater for our piano.  You might have seen it while it resided on Monument Circle for the first 18 days of this month.IMG_5725IMG_5703IMG_5716IMG_5727IMG_5706

4 responses to “Day Nursery Thankful Thursday: Pink Pianos and Precious Preschoolers

  1. The Yarnburners and I were so honored to be a part of GO Ahead & Play, and we’re thankful our piano has found its permanent home with you!

  2. Beautiful! It makes me happy just looking at it…I know all those who get to experience it will enjoy it and the children will have a very cool memory of the “Pink Piano”!

  3. Charity Jablonski

    We all love the “Tickled Pink” piano. A huge thank you to our donors from the staff and children at Day Nursery IU Health!!

  4. Makes me smile too. VERY PROUD 🙂

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