Tag Archives: child care downtown Indianapolis

Day Nursery Federal Center students picnic with teddy bears

supplies for teddy bear picnic

Ms. Kesha and Ms. Julia’s 2 ½ year old room from the Day Nursery Federal Center downtown went across to Veteran’s Park for a teddy bear picnic today.  They had Teddy Grams snacks and juice with their teddy bears and read the book Teddy Bear Picnic while they were there.

Day Nursery two year olds having teddy bear picnicDay Nursery Indianapolis Federal student with teddy bearDNFed2Day Nursery Indianapolis Federal Center students listening to story while in the park for teddy bear picnic

Day Nursery Federal Center Family Feast

Families gathered at the Day Nursery Federal Center yesterday to have lunch with the children and to enjoy a Thanksgiving program.  If you have ever seen the size of our kitchen in this center, you know that is was no small feat to prepare a big special meal for all the guests.  A big shout out goes to Center Director Sarah Parks, and our cook Gail Dodson.

Ms. Gail was assisted by our floating teacher Ms. Robyn and one of our parents Ms. Porshea.  Porshea is taking classes in the Human Services field and needed some volunteer experience, so has been volunteering here at the center for a few hours.

Day Nursery State Center Teddy Bear Picnic

Moms and Dads (and Teddy Bears, of course) gathered on the playground of the Day Nursery Indiana State Government Center yesterday for a Teddy Bear Picnic over the lunch hour.  Thanks to Center Director Michelle Terry for sharing these pictures from her center.

Two Day Nursery Indianapolis centers recognized by Federal Government

Day Nursery Federal Center Director Sarah Parks (left) with Brenda Roldan, Regional Child Care Coordinator, GSA Public Buildings Service
Facilities Mgmt & Services Programs

Last month, two Day Nursery Association of Indianapolis centers were presented with a Keystone Award by the General Services Administration in recognition of our commitment to provide quality child care through the achievement of re-accreditation from the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs.  NAEYC accreditation is an achievement reached by only 10% of child care centers nationwide, so we are very proud that 100% of our seven Day Nurseries in Indianapolis have reached this goal.  The two centers recognized are those we operate in partnership with the Federal government. Congratulations to Sarah Parks and her staff at the Day Nursery Federal Center downtown and to Debra Ballard and her staff at Day Nursery Start Smart 4 Children at Ft. Harrison.

(Left to Right) Jessica Stewart, Assistant Director and Debra Ballard, Director, Day Nursery Start Smart 4 Children at Ft. Harrison; Myrine Callihan, property manager at the Major General Emmett J. Bean Federal Center at Ft. Harrison; and Patty Fisher, Director of Center Adminstration, Day Nursery Association.

Day Nursery Federal Center students learn about the US Mail

Ms. Kesha’s Preschool 1 classroom at the Day Nursery Federal Center has been learning about the US Mail this week.  They wrote letters to the person of their choice…mostly mommys and daddys, but also siblings that don’t live at their house with them.  The class rode in the wagon today to mail them at the post office a block away from the center.


Day Nursery Federal Center February heart project

Day Nursery Federal Center Director Sarah Parks shared this picture of a center wide project going on this month in her location  called How much can a big heart hold? Families are bringing in caps and lids for children to attach to the big heart on her office window.  Preschool children are trying to guess how many lids it will take to fill up the entire heart.  When we last checked, there was still space on the heart with a week left in February.  Stay tuned.


Day Nursery students share Valentines and friendship

Federal Center

Ms. Kesha’s Preschool 1 classroom at the Day Nursery Federal Center made dip yesterday to go with their fresh fruit for their Valentine’s Day party today!  Each child got to practice washing their hands and measuring the ingredients for the dip–which included yummy things like marshmallow fluff and strawberry cream cheese.  Today they enjoyed their dip with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and pineapple—all while listening to songs like “I love my mommy & my mommy loves me” and of course exchanging Valentine’s Day cards.

Lilly Center

Day Nursery Ruth A. Lilly Center: The two-year olds were excited to show off their Valentine tree when I visited this morning and they were looking forward to the party in the afternoon with fresh fruit.  Ms. Sally Coombs had lots of fun treats planned for them later. Down the hall, Ms. Sarah and Ms. Caroline were laying out the supplies for their preschoolers to make cupcakes.  Their class also got to make milkshakes in the afternoon for their party.

Lilly Center

Hendricks County

Out in Avon at the Day Nursery Hendricks County Center, Mr. Matt and his students started the day by making strawberry-banana smoothies. Check out Brody…he is really into cutting up those strawberries. Mr. Matt knows this is an excellent fine motor skill building activity. The students used a plastic knife but Mr. Matt was NOT going to take his eyes off Brody as he paused for this picture.

Chinese New Year Day Nursery preschool style

Happy Chinese New Year from the 3-year-old class at the Day Nursery Federal Center.  Ms. Diane Taylor‘s preschoolers  practiced eating with chop sticks as they learned about different foods eaten to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Day Nursery children trying to eat with chopsticks

Day Nursery Wordless Wednesday: State Center Hat Day

Hat Day fun in Mr. Tim's preschool class at Day Nursery State Government Center

Too Cute Tuesday: Day Nursery Federal Center

Last week the Preschool 1 class at our Day Nursery Federal Center downtown Indianapolis read 10 Little Rubber Ducks by Eric Carle. Their teacher, Ms. Kesha Booth told the children about the true incident that inspired the book.  In 2003 a shipment of rubber ducks and other bathtub toys fell overboard from a cargo ship and washed up on shores all around the world. The children and their teacher discussed how the ocean is really cold in certain places, and much warmer in other parts.  They decided to see what would happen if they put their ducks in water in the freezer.  They were quite concerned when the ducks were “stuck” in the ice when they took them out.   They then watched the ice melt as they let warm water run over the ducks from the faucet.

Preparing the ducks for their trip to the freezer

Ms. Kesha gets the ducks settled into the freezer in the teacher's lounge

The children even used binoculars to explore the ducks in their frozen state

A little warm water helped set the ducks free