Day Nursery celebrates long time supporters

Auxiliary members Sue Harris (left, a member since 1952 and Martha Hill, who joined the Day Nursery Auxiliary in 1941

Auxiliary members Sue Harris (left, a member since 1952 and Martha Hill, who joined the Day Nursery Auxiliary in 1941

For 70 years, volunteers from the Day Nursery Auxiliary have supported the work we do in the centers.  Auxiliary members assist with activities such as vision screening and reading to the children.  They also have a long history of financial support with the most current major fundraiser being the annual luncheon and fashion show. Currently 230 members strong, the Auxiliary has many members who have supported Day Nursery for decades.  This group includes 24 members with 50 or more years of service. Auxiliary President Jenny Rosebrock  hosted a Valentine’s Day tea for 6 of these ladies who no longer are able to get our to the regular meetings.  As you can see by the pictures, there were plenty of yummy treats and all who attended enjoyed the company and the stories.  We invite you to attend the Day Nursery Auxiliary Style Show and luncheon October 2, 2009 at Oak Hill Mansion in Carmel.  To add your name to the invitation list, email us.

(left to right) Day Nursery Executive Director, Carolyn Dederer; Maude Fenstermaker, Auxiliary member since 1943 and Virginia Wohlgemuth, member since 1946

(left to right) Day Nursery Executive Director, Carolyn Dederer; Maude Fenstermaker, Auxiliary member since 1943 and Virginia Wohlgemuth, member since 1946

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